Monday, July 13, 2009


We've previously featured articles on the current recession (some experts are already calling the country's economic woes a "depression"), but now comes our esteemed Benson Newsletter Editor, Jeff Fisher, with a new take on what he calls "Recession-Proof Gambling." The key is knowing what your "worst-case scenario" is for each method you are playing, then recognizing how to deal with it. His viewpoints are enlightening.

As I've said a number of times in this column and elsewhere, if you know how to win consistently at any "gambling" game, then you've really taken the gamble out of gambling. A recession or other outside influences does NOT influence your ability to continue to make money in casinos and even helps to generate more comps than you could previously.

As long as you always follow the departure rules for any of our systems you can never drown in the addiction called "compulsive gambling." You will always have to stop on the days that you can't seem to win, but the rules invariably provide a way to stop before you lose a lot.

Jeff is referring to this subject in his "Recession-Proof Gambling" article. Be sure to read it carefully.

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